a mini course on the foundations of Compassionate Self-Discipline

Being a driven, ambitious person doesn't mean discipline always comes easy. In fact, sometimes having a LOT of gifts, possibilities, and options in front of you can put you straight into perfection/overwhelm paralysis.

And even if you DO manage to tick off a lot of boxes... were you being an asshole to yourself in the process? Often it feels like the only way to "succeed" is to crack the whip harder... even though in our wiser moments, we imagine there HAS to be a better way.

And there absolutey fucking IS. 

If you're ready to shift your whole freaking paradigm and learn an approach to productivity and self-discipline that also has HEART— let's do this.

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"I always appreciate Valerie's ability to provide positive feedback and not sugarcoat. This approach has invited me new ways to reframe my actions and language. She had the ability to gently push me to my edges...and that's where all the magic happens."
- Regan I.

"Valerie is a phenomenal coach! I made huge strides in my personal and professional life while working with her and am forever grateful for our time together and the growth I was able to experience."
- Laura K.

You are worthy of your desires AND of a zero tolerance policy for bullying in your own damn head.

This mini course is delivered in 12 bite-sized video lessons, plus a SUPER valuable workbook that will support you in applying and implementing the ideas and strategies right away. 

Aligned Action Mini Course$97

  • Total payment
  • 1xAligned Action Mini Course$97

All prices in USD
